
A library providing set notation support via a named_scope for ActiveRecord models.

Have you ever wanted to manipulate a set of resources from the database from a URL but were not sure how? Let me suggest using set notation for the ID.

GET /sounds/{1,2,3}

Install the gem and add it to your environment to add support for all your models.

To use:

sound = Sound.in_set("{1,2,3}")


sudo gem install dmichael-set-notation-helper -s

Add the gem to your environment.rb file

config.gem "dmichael-set-notation-helper", :lib => 'set_notation_helper'

Matching for sets in your routes

If you are interested in matching for sets in the routes you can do something like this

regexes = [

regexes.each do |regex|
  map.with_options( :controller => 'sounds', :action => 'index', :id => regex, :conditions => { :method => :get }) do |r|
    r.connect "/#{resource}/:id.:format"
    r.connect "/#{resource}/:id"