
dm_newsletter provides the newsletter management system for the MokshaCMS collection of gems.

The MokshaCMS collection of gems provides an integrated system of services for content, event, forum, learning, and newsletter management. It supports sites with multiple languages and mutliple distinct sites per installation. Administration is built in. Additional services/engines can be written to provide additional functionality.


Add the following to your Gem file:

gem 'dm_preferences',       '~> 1.0'
gem 'dm_core',              git: '', branch: '4-2-stable'
gem 'dm_cms',               git: '', branch: '4-2-stable'
gem 'dm_newsletter',        git: '', branch: '4-2-stable'
gem 'themes_for_rails',     git: 'git://'
gem 'aced_rails',           git: 'git://'

After running bundle install, run

rake dm_core:install:migrations
rake dm_cms:install:migrations
rake dm_newsletter:install:migrations