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DataMapper plugin for creating and slugs(permalinks).


> gem install dm-is-slug


Creating a slug from property

class Post
  include DataMapper::Resource

  property :id, Serial
  property :title, String
  property :content, String

  # here we define that it should have a slug that uses title as the permalink
  # it will generate an extra slug property of String type, with the same size as title
  is :slug, :source => :title

Creating a slug from arbitrary methods

class User
  include DataMapper::Resource

  property :id, Serial
  property :email, String
  property :password, String

  # we only want to strip out the domain name
  # and use only the email account name as the permalink
  def slug_for_email

  # here we define that it should have a slug that uses title as the permalink
  # it will generate an extra slug property of String type, with the same size as title
  is :slug, :source => :slug_for_email, :size => 255

Scoped slugs

class Post
  include DataMapper::Resource

  property :id, Serial
  property :title, String
  property :content, String
  property :category, String

  # Same as above but slugs will be unique only within their category.
  is :slug, :source => :title, :slug => :category

Finding objects by slug

post = Post.first(:slug => "your_slug")


It’s recommended to use bundler in development.

gem install bundler
ADAPTERS='in_memory yaml sqlite postgres mysql' bundle install --without quality

This will install all dependencies so that you could run specs.

bundle exec rake spec ADAPTER=sqlite