Yardstick 0.0.1


Yardstick is a tool that verifies YARD coverage of ruby code.

It will measure the source and provide feedback on what is missing from the documentation and what can be improved.


From Gem:

$ sudo gem install dkubb-yardstick --source http://gems.github.com/

With a local working copy:

$ git clone git://github.com/dkubb/yardstick.git
$ cd yardstick
$ rake build && sudo rake install


Yardstick may be used two ways:

1. yardstick Command-line Tool

This is the simplest way to run yardstick. Provide it a list of files and it will measure all of them and output suggestions for improvement, eg:

$ yardstick lib/**/*.rb

2. Yardstick Libraries

Yardstick comes with several libraries that will allow you to process lists of files, or String code fragments, eg:

# measure a list of file paths
measurements = Yardstick.measure(paths)

# measure a code fragment
measurements = Yardstick.measure_string <<-RUBY
  # Displays the message provided to stdout
  # @param [#to_str] message
  #   the message to display
  # @return [undefined]
  # @api public
  def display(message)
    puts message.to_str


  • Add more measurements, especially for @param, @yield and type validation
  • Create a Rake task to allow integration of Yardstick into build processes more easily

Copyright (c) 2009 Dan Kubb. See LICENSE for details.