Helm – a command line tool for Lighthouse

Disclaimer: This is alpha software. Seriously. Expect breakages and changes in the way configuration is made. We'll do our best to alert you and keep things as backwards-compatible as possible.

Lighthouse is pretty cool, but it'd be nice if we had a way to interact with it from the command line.


Although Helm can receive all the parameters it needs from the command line, usually you'll want to use the configuration files. Our recommended usage is that you have a .helm_config in your home directory, where you store your Lighthouse credentials, and another .helm_config that lives in the root of your project's directory (this file contains general information about the project and can be pushed to your SCM of choice.

  1. Edit ~/.helm_config and add your credentials for the account. You can provide a token (recommended) or your username and password (this is necessary if you want to use scraping commands like upload).

      token: API token
      username: username
      password: password
  2. Edit your project's .helm_config.

    url: http://account.lighthouseapp.com
    project: "Your project's full name"
  3. Try it.

    $ helm list


This will change.

helm list


$ helm list state:open
$ helm list "responsible:me state:open"

helm create

Parses STDIN and creates tickets.


$ echo "As a User I want a UI" | helm create
$ cat stories.txt | helm create

helm show

Displays information about a ticket.


$ helm show 13

helm assign

Changes the assignee of a ticket. If no user is provided, assign to self.


$ helm assign 13
$ helm assign 13 [Lighthouse user ID]