== Description

The divshare gem makes it easier to use the divshare API. To use it, you need
to create a Divshare account and sign up for an API key.

== Usage

Here's a brief script that illustrates the basic operations:

require 'rubygems'
require 'divshare'
client = Divshare::Client.new(api_key, api_secret)
client.login(email, password)
all_my_files = client.get_user_files
all_my_files.each do |f|
print "#ff.file_name (#ff.file_size) "
puts "was last downloaded #Time.at(f.last_downloaded_at.to_i)"

Now, going through the same script step-by-step. Use your Divshare API
key and secret (comes with key) to create a client:

client = Divshare::Client.new(api_key, api_secret)

Login using the credentials for your Divshare account:

client.login(email, password)

Get an array of all of your files:

all_my_files = client.get_user_files

Do something with the files:

all_my_files.each do |f|
print "#ff.file_name (#ff.file_size) "
puts "was last downloaded #Time.at(f.last_downloaded_at.to_i)"



== Installation

Install using rubygems:

sudo gem install divshare