
A simple theme system for your Rails application.


sudo gem install disguise


Disguise comes with a couple of admin controllers to make changing your theme simple. By default they are not protected.

In order to prevent unauthorized users from changing your theme you can override the admin controller like this:

class Admin::ThemesController < Admin::Disguise::ThemesController
  before_filter :login_required

class Admin::DomainThemesController < Admin::Disguise::DomainThemesController
  before_filter :login_required

Also be sure to add a route to the new controller in routes.rb:

# admin
map.namespace :admin do |a|
  a.resource :theme
  a.resources :domain_themes

Rake tasks

Add disguise rake tasks to your rails project. Include the following line at the end of your Rakefile:

require 'disguise/tasks'

Then run the following to add the required files and database migration:

rake disguise:setup 
rake db:migrate


Generate a new theme for your Rails application using the built in theme generator:

./script/generate theme theme_name

Disguise can run in two modes. The first is the default which let’s an administrator set the current theme via the built in admin interface. The second looks at the url of the incoming request and matches it to a theme. To enable this second mode create an initializer in /config/initializers/disguise.rb and enter the following contents:

Disguise::USE_DOMAIN_FOR_THEMES = true

Copyright © 2009 Justin Ball. See LICENSE for details.