
DirFriend is a tool for generating a DOT file which represent file directories.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dir_friend'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install dir_friend


To open a DOT file, Graphviz is required.

Graphviz | Graphviz - Graph Visualization Software


In your terminal, try followings;

# Show help
% dir_friend

# Create a dot file for path/to/project
% dir_friend dot path/to/project

# Create it with some options
% dir_friend dot path/to/project -l fdp -c blues --dir_shape box
% dir_friend dot path/to/project -g "bgcolor:azure,rkdir:LR,splines:ortho"

dot subcommand first creates config.yaml in 'YOUR_HOME_DIR/.dirfriend', which contains some pre-defined theme settings. You can call any of the themes with '--theme (or -t)' option for dot subcommand.

% dir_friend dot path/to/project --theme blueegg

You can create your own themes from scratch or edit them.

In your ruby script;

require 'dir_friend'

dir = DirFriend::D.new('path/to/project')

# Show info
dir.info #=> {:directories=>7, :files=>2, :depth=>3}

# Show children in the directory
puts dir.entries
>> F: Gemfile
>> D: lib
>> F: LICENSE.txt
>> F: myproject.gemspec
>> F: Rakefile
>> F: README.md

# Traverse all files and directories under the directory
dir.each do |f|
  puts f.path
>> /project/myproject/Gemfile
>> /project/myproject/lib
>> /project/myproject/lib/myproject
>> /project/myproject/lib/myproject/version.rb
>> /project/myproject/lib/myproject.rb
>> /project/myproject/LICENSE.txt
>> /project/myproject/myproject.gemspec
>> /project/myproject/Rakefile
>> /project/myproject/README.md

# Output a dot data(Gviz object)
puts dir.to_dot # => dot data

# with options
opt = {colorscheme:greens, layout:'fdp', global:"bgcolor:azure,splines:ortho" }
puts dir.to_dot(opt)

# Save to a file

# Open Graphviz.app with tempfile for dot data(mac only)
dir.to_dot open:true


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request