diffxml Gem Version

Inspired by the equivalent-xml gem, I wanted a way to get the differences between the two xmls, instead of just checking to see that there were differences, this is an alternative method I came up with, and I will add as I work on it, as it is still in its infancy.


This is an alternate method to a project I was working on, as such, there are no promises that it is the most efficient way to find the differences.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'diffxml'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install diffxml


Require the gem with:

require 'DiffXML'

Pass two xml documents to the gem using

DiffXML.compareXML(doc1, doc2)

the returned value will be an array with the XPaths of all nodes that were not matched.

If you are interested in ignoring specific children you can pass in css selectors or XPaths with the same method CSS with:

DiffXML.compareXML(doc1, doc2, ArrayOfIgnores, true)

XPath with:

DiffXML.compareXML(doc1, doc2, ArrayOfIgnores)

To Do

  • Plans to return the values of both nodes that are at the XPath in the array, as well as the XPath location are in the works.
  • General upkeep and a more rigorous test set are also planned.
  • RDoc implementation for documentation.
  • optimize searches: the memory handling has been improved, however, the search still does not differentiate between nodes with the same path, meaning xmls in different orders may report false negatives(untested) because it just compares the string of the node set as opposed to comparing each node in the set individually.
  • Add attribute comparison

Known Issues


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/pbubnar/diffxml.


The test xml data for the wikimedia xml came from http://dumps.wikimedia.your.org/backups-of-old-wikis.html