
Ruby library to convert unified diffs like you get from SVN and git to HTML

It’a fork of github.com/artemv/diff_to_html.rb to use as a dependency in gem specs of other gems through Rubygems.org hosting.

It’s furthermore based on code from gurge.com/blog/2006/10/03/subversion-diff-viewer-cgi-in-ruby (thanks Adam Doppelt!), adopted lightly to support multifile diffs and to have more familiar output. It definitely have things to improve, so contribution/patches are very welcome.

  • install the gem:

    gem install diff_to_html
  • go to gem’s ‘examples’ dir and run ‘ruby test.rb >out.html’ - this will get diff from sample ‘svn diff’ and generate out.html. Resulting html is linked to diff.css in ‘examples’ directory - you’ll need to copy it to your project’s dir to use it.

  • To use in Rails project:

    require 'diff_to_html'
    diff = `cat #{File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'diff.git')}`
    converter = DiffToHtml::GitConverter.new #there's also DiffToHtml::SvnConverter
    puts converter.composite_to_html(diff)
  • to use in any Ruby program:

    require 'rubygems'
    require 'diff_to_html'


diff_to_html is released under the MIT license.

Authors and credits


Artem Vasiliev

Original code

Adam Doppelt, gurge.com/blog/2006/10/03/subversion-diff-viewer-cgi-in-ruby