
build status still maintained

Generates a diff by matching against expected values, classes, regexes and/or procs.

DiffMatcher performs recursive matches on values contained in hashes, arrays and combinations thereof.

Values in a containing object match when:

actual.is_a? expected  # when expected is a class
expected.match actual  # when expected is a regexp
expected.call actual   # when expected is a proc
actual == expected     # when expected is anything else


puts DiffMatcher::difference(
  { :a=>{ :a1=>11          }, :b=>[ 21, 22 ], :c=>/\d/, :d=>Fixnum, :e=>lambda { |x| (4..6).include? x } },
  { :a=>{ :a1=>10, :a2=>12 }, :b=>[ 21     ], :c=>'3' , :d=>4     , :e=>5                                },

example output


gem install diff_matcher


require 'diff_matcher'

DiffMatcher::difference(actual, expected, opts={})

When expected != actual

puts DiffMatcher::difference(1, 2)
# => - 1+ 2
# => Where, - 1 missing, + 1 additional

When expected == actual

p DiffMatcher::difference(1, 1)
# => nil

When actual is an instance of the expected

p DiffMatcher::difference(String, '1')
# => nil

When actual is a string that matches the expected regex

p DiffMatcher::difference(/[a-z]/, "a")
# => nil

When actual is a fixnum that matches the expected range

p DiffMatcher::difference(1..3, 3)
# => nil

When actual is passed to an expected proc and it returns true

is_boolean = lambda { |x| [FalseClass, TrueClass].include? x.class }
p DiffMatcher::difference(is_boolean, true)
# => nil

When actual is missing one of the expected values

puts DiffMatcher::difference([1, 2], [1])
# => [
# =>   1
# => - 2
# => ]
# => Where, - 1 missing

When actual has additional values to the expected

puts DiffMatcher::difference([1], [1, 2])
# => [
# =>   1
# => + 2
# => ]
# => Where, + 1 additional

When expected is a Hash with optional keys use a Matcher.

puts DiffMatcher::difference(
  DiffMatcher::Matcher.new({:name=>String, :age=>Fixnum}, :optional_keys=>[:age]),
  :name=>- String+ 0
Where, - 1 missing, + 1 additional

When expected can take multiple forms use some Matchers ||ed together.

puts DiffMatcher::difference(DiffMatcher::Matcher.new(Fixnum) || DiffMatcher.new(Float), "3")
- Float+ "3"
Where, - 1 missing, + 1 additional

(NB. DiffMatcher::Matcher[Fixnum, Float] can be used as a shortcut for DiffMatcher::Matcher.new(Fixnum) || DiffMatcher.new(Float) )

When actual is an array of unknown size use an AllMatcher to match against all the elements in the array.

puts DiffMatcher::difference(DiffMatcher::AllMatcher.new(Fixnum), [1, 2, "3"])
  : 1,
  : 2,
  - Fixnum+ "3"
Where, - 1 missing, + 1 additional, : 2 match_class

When actual is an array with a limited size use an AllMatcher to match against all the elements in the array adhering to the limits of :min and or :max or :size (where :size is a Fixnum or range of Fixnum).

puts DiffMatcher::difference(DiffMatcher::AllMatcher.new(Fixnum, :min=>3), [1, 2])
  : 1,
  : 2,
  - Fixnum
Where, - 1 missing, : 2 match_class
puts DiffMatcher::difference(DiffMatcher::AllMatcher.new(Fixnum, :size=>3..5), [1, 2])
  : 1,
  : 2,
  - Fixnum
Where, - 1 missing, : 2 match_class

When actual is an array of unknown size and expected can take multiple forms use a Matcher inside of an AllMatcher to match against all the elements in the array in any of the forms.

puts DiffMatcher::difference(
    DiffMatcher::Matcher[Fixnum, Float]
  [1, 2.00, "3"]
  | 1,
  | 2.0,
  - Float+ "3"
Where, - 1 missing, + 1 additional, | 2 match_matcher


:ignore_additional=>true will match even if actual has additional items

p DiffMatcher::difference([1], [1, 2], :ignore_additional=>true)
# => nil

:quiet=>true shows only missing and additional items in the output

puts DiffMatcher::difference([Fixnum, 2], [1], :quiet=>true)
# => [
# => - 2
# => ]
# => Where, - 1 missing


The items shown in a difference are prefixed as follows:

missing       => "- "
additional    => "+ "
match value   =>
match regexp  => "~ "
match class   => ": "
match matcher => "| "
match range   => ". "
match proc    => "{ "


Colours (defined in colour schemes) can also appear in the difference.

Using the :default colour scheme items shown in a difference are coloured as follows:

missing       => red
additional    => yellow
match value   =>
match regexp  => green
match class   => blue
match matcher => blue
match range   => cyan
match proc    => cyan

Other colour schemes, eg. :color_scheme=>:white_background will use different colour mappings.

Similar gems

String differs

Object differs

JSON matchers

Why another differ?

This gem came about because rspec doesn't have a decent differ for matching hashes and/or JSON. It started out as a pull request, to be implemented as a be_hash_matching rspec matcher, but seemed useful enough to be its own stand alone gem.

Out of the similar gems above, easy_diff looks like a good alternative to this gem. It has extra functionality in also being able to recursively merge hashes and arrays. sub_diff can use regular expressions in its match and subsequent diff

DiffMatcher can match using not only regexes but classes and procs. And the difference string that it outputs can be formatted in several ways as needed.

As for matching JSON, the matchers above work well, but don't allow for matching patterns.

Update 2012/07/14:

json_expressions (as mentioned in Ruby5 - Episode #288) does do pattern matching and also looks like a good alternative to diff_matcher, it has the following advantages:

  • define capture symbols that can be used to extract values from the matched object
  • (if a symbol is used multiple times, it will make sure all the extracted values match)
  • can optionally match unordered arrays (diff_matcher only matches ordered arrays)
  • because it doesn't bother generating a pretty difference string it might be faster

Use with rspec

To use with rspec create the following custom matcher:

require 'diff_matcher'

module RSpec
  module Matchers
    class BeMatching
      include BaseMatcher

      def initialize(expected, opts)
        @expected = expected
        @opts = opts.update(:color_enabled=>RSpec::configuration.color_enabled?)

      def matches?(actual)
        @difference = DiffMatcher::Difference.new(expected, actual, @opts)

      def failure_message_for_should

    def be_matching(expected, opts={})
      Matchers::BeMatching.new(expected, opts)

And use it with:

describe "hash matcher" do
  subject { { :a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>'3', :d=>4, :e=>"additional stuff" } }
  let(:expected) { { :a=>1, :b=>Fixnum, :c=>/[0-9]/, :d=>lambda { |x| (3..5).include?(x) } } }

  it { should be_matching(expected, :ignore_additional=>true) }
  it { should be_matching(expected) }

Will result in:


    1) hash matcher
       Failure/Error: it { should be_matching(expected) }
           :b=>: 2,
           :c=>~ (3),
           :d=>{ 4,
         + :e=>"additional stuff"
         Where, + 1 additional, ~ 1 match_regexp, : 1 match_class, { 1 match_proc
      # ./hash_matcher_spec.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

Finished in 0.00601 seconds
2 examples, 1 failure


Fork, write some tests and send a pull request (bonus points for topic branches).


Our company is using this gem to test our JSON API which has got it to a stable v1.0.0 release.

There's a pull request to use this gem in a be_hash_matching rspec matcher.