Devise Date Restrictable

This is a module for Devise that allows a user account to be restricted by date range.

Installation + Setup

Add the following line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'devise_date_restrictable'

And then run bundle install.

Next, you will need to generate an ActiveRecord migration and run that migration.

$ rails generate devise_date_restrictable --model MODEL
rake db:migrate

Finally, add :date_restrictable to the devise line of your model, for instance:

devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :date_restrictable


This gem adds two DATE fields to your account model: valid_from and valid_until. One or both may be specified in order to restrict an account’s ability to log in. If neither is specified, the user will be able to log in without restriction.

Note that dates are inclusive: that is, setting an account to be valid from 2017-05-28 means they will be able to log in from midnight on 2017-05-28. Similarly, setting an account to be valid until 2017-05-27 means they will be able to log in until 23.59.59 on that date. At this time, all restrictions are based on server time—no provision has been made, as yet, for different timezones.


This has been fairly quickly bashed together for use within a project, therefore isn’t perhaps as polished as it might be. At some point, I might get around to implementing some of the following:

  • add support for timezones
  • add helper methods to the account object to facilitate easier management (eg. user.set_valid_for(3.years), and the like)
  • support for better messaging

Version History

0.0.2 (June 6th. 2017)

  • removing errant debug output

0.0.1 (May 28th, 2017)

  • initial release