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Stormpath authentication support for Devise

Add gem reference to Gemfile

gem "devise-stormpath"

Setup stormpath-rails

Generate configuration file, then create directory per environment at stormpath and update stormpath.yml with corresponding directory hrefs.

rails g stormpath:rails:install

Generate and run migration, if you're on ActiveRecord. Skip this step for Mongoid.

rails g stormpath:rails:migration user
rake db:migrate

No need to include Stormpath::Rails::Account, it'll be done automatically.

Configure Devise Modules

Stormpath authentication

devise :stormpath_authenticatable

Add user directory to application login sources, before trying to authenticate. Read more at


Default devise module works.

devise :stormpath_authenticatable, :registerable

Stormpath password reset

devise :stormpath_authenticatable, :stormpath_recoverable

Setup Password Reset workflow ( Set Base URL to //host/scope/password/edit (i.e.

Stormpath email verification

devise :stormpath_authenticatable, :stormpath_confirmable

Setup Account Registration and Verification workflow ( Set Base URL to //host/scope/confirmation (i.e.