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At present, this library scratches the itch of implementing a simple PID controller. It builds up to this with some simple abstractions that can also be used to build other, more sophisticated controllers.



A controller is a piece of equipment (or, more abstractly, perhaps even a human operator) that is intended to achieve a certain measurement from the environment. For example, a thermostat wants to maintain a temperature, or the cruise control in your car wants to maintain a certain wheelspeed.

A thermostat on its own cannot (meaningfully) affect the environment; it is just a controller, presumably for some other device, like a heater. The thermostat, if hooked up to a heating device, can control when the heat comes on, and this changes the measurement from the environment, ideally towards the desired temperature.


I'm not sure about the actual nomenclature from a very rich field of study, control theory, but I'm using the term "device" to describe that which the controller is controlling. So a heater or a refrigerator may be the device, or the throttle on an engine, or a broomstick balanced on a pencil eraser.

A controller requires a device, and a device must have some variable input, like a control knob, which the controller can thus manipulate. The device presumably reacts to the input with a new output, and this output presumably affects the environment in some way that the controller can measure.


The environment, in some way, connects the output of the device back to the measurement on the controller. Often, in order to test a device or a controller (or both), the environment must be modeled or simulated, often crudely. Or perhaps the environment is already inherent to the problem, or it has been modeled extensively as part of the problem.

This project will make little or no effort to model your environment. But it's important to recognize that you have to "close the loop" for any of this to make sense.


Control Loop

Our control loop is composed of the 3 concepts above:

        ^         |
        |         |
        |         V

A Pattern

Each component accepts an input and yields an output. Controllers accept a measure and yield a control value. Devices accept a control value and yield an environmental output. The environment accepts the new output and produces a new measure for the controller.

module Updateable
  def update(val)
    self.input = val

Notice, this is a module, not a class. This module is intended to be mixed in to a class in order provide (and guarantee) the pattern of behavior. Any class which wants to mix in Updateable should thus, at minimum, define:

  • initialize
  • input=
  • output

Note that the class can use any ivars; there is no need to create or ever touch @input if a different ivar name is preferred.


class Device
  include Updateable

  attr_reader :knob

  def initialize
    @knob = 0.0

  def input=(val)
    @knob = val.to_f
  alias_method :knob=, :input=

  def output
    @knob # do nothing by default

  def to_s
    format("Knob: %.3f\tOutput: %.3f", @knob, self.output)

We've named our class Device, mixed in Updateable, and we've named our input knob. In general, we will operate only on Floats for inputs and outputs, though perhaps interesting things can be done outside this limitation.

@knob is initialized to zero, and input=(val) will update @knob. As this is a generic device, we will just pass along the input as our output. Let's also make a friendly string output.


class Heater < Device
  # convert electricity into thermal output
  EFFICIENCY = 0.999

  attr_reader :watts

  def initialize(watts, threshold: 0)
    @watts = watts
    @threshold = threshold

  # output is all or none
  def output
    @knob > @threshold ? (@watts * self.class::EFFICIENCY) : 0

  def to_s
    format("Power: %d W\tKnob: %.1f\tThermal: %.1f W",
           @watts, @knob, self.output)

Starting with a generic device, we'll add @watts for output, and we'll also allow a configurable threshold for the knob -- at what point does the knob turn to on? By default, anything above 0.

BTW, this is a crude model, as @watts sort of represents the input energy, and we are representing its output as "the amout of heat that 1000 watts (or whatever) puts out". Since electric devices waste power by shedding heat, electric heaters are very efficient by definition. It's not difficult to dump all your power into heat; just use a big resistor.


class Cooler < Heater
  # not nearly as efficient as a heater at turning electrons into therms

A cooler is just a heater that puts out watts of cooling. You'd have to model the inverse effect in your environment. You can of course create more sophisticated Heater and Cooler models as well ;)


class Controller
  include Updateable

  attr_reader :measure
  attr_accessor :setpoint

  def initialize(setpoint)
    @setpoint, @measure = setpoint, 0.0

  def input=(val)
    @measure = val.to_f
  alias_method :measure=, :input=

  # just output the error
  def output
    @setpoint - @measure

  def to_s
    format("Setpoint: %.3f\tMeasure: %.3f", @setpoint, @measure)

A Controller names its input measure, and it introduces a setpoint, and the difference between setpoint and measure is the error.


class Thermostat < Controller
  # true or false; can drive a Heater or a Cooler
  # true means input below setpoint; false otherwise
  def output
    @setpoint - @measure > 0

Now consider:

h = Heater.new(1000)
ht = Thermostat.new(20)
c = Cooler.new(1000)
ct = Thermostat.new(25)

temp = 26.4

heat_knob = ht.update(temp) ? 1 : 0
heating_watts = h.update(heat_knob)
cool_knob = ct.update(temp) ? 0 : 1
cooling_watts = c.update(cool_knob)

temp = 24.9

# ...

Notice, the thermostat essentially answers the question: is it hot enough? (or: is it too cold?). You can run it either or both ways, but notice that you can simply pick one orientation and remain logically consistent. So the heat knob goes to 1 when its thermostat goes below setpoint. The cool knob goes to 1 when its thermostat goes above setpoint.


If you've made it this far, congratulations! For further reading: