Hash Cache

Hashes make good in-memory caches. We all do it!

I often create projects that allow some kind of caching repository to exist. Usually, I use an instance of a Hash during development, but I might actually want to swap it out with memcached or another cache store, in production.

Whenever I do this, I always have to add #get and #set methods to Hash, as these methods are pretty conventional for cache stores.

Well … I’m sick of it. Introducting a mini RubyGem that does this for you.


sudo gem install devfu-hash-cache --source http://gems.github.com


>> cache = { }
=> {}

>> cache.set 'chunky', 'bacon'
NoMethodError: undefined method `set' for {}:Hash
        from (irb):2

>> require 'hash/cache'
=> true

>> cache.set 'chunky', 'bacon'
=> "bacon"

>> cache
=> {"chunky"=>"bacon"}

Ta Da!

If you won’t want to apply these methods to all Hashes, just a particular instance of a Hash:

>> require 'hash-cache'
=> true

>> cache = { }
=> {}

>> cache.set 'chunky', 'bacon'
NoMethodError: undefined method `set' for {}:Hash
        from (irb):2

>> cache = Hash::Cache.new(cache)
=> {}

>> cache.set 'chunky', 'bacon'
=> "bacon"

>> cache
=> {"chunky"=>"bacon"}

>> Hash.new.get 'foo'
NoMethodError: undefined method `get' for {}:Hash
  from (irb):11

For more information, check out:



