
NOTE: This is mainly for my fellow friends at ApoEx.


I'm lazy. Like, super lazy. But I also really like the workflow at my current workplace.

We plan our sprint in TargetProcess and then we name our branches to match the UserStory in TP:

My shortterm memory is really bad, so I always end up going back to TP to see find the ID for the story that I'm working on.

This gem aims to solve that.


  1. Install the gem.
  2. The gem reads the settings through evironment variables;
    • TP_USER_ID
  3. run devflow when starting working on a new story
  4. Profit?


Install hub and add to your .gitconfig;

  p-r = "!devflow pr | hub -c core.commentChar=';' pull-request -oe -F -"

Now you can easily create PRs from the commandline!