

Point to this repo (or a fork) and bundle

gem 'development_notification', "0.1.0", git: '', branch: 'master'

Copy and run migration

$ rake development_notification:install:migrations
$ rake db:migrate


# in /config/initializers/development_notification.rb
DevelopmentNotification.configure do |config|
  config.leadersend_username = "[email protected]"
  config.leadersend_api_key = "0933e545acxc063cb8a101a374cc721f"
  config.domain = ""
  config.validate! # must be called in the very end.


After setup you gain access to:

  • DevelopmentNotification::Email model that logs email prepared and sent.
  • DevelopmentNotification::Email.send_email(parameter_hash) #=> sends emails

Email sending

DevelopmentNotification::Email.send_email(title: "Systemside identifier", to: "[email protected]", from: "[email protected]", fromname: "Creative", subject: "test", template: "html body")


  • Engine uses smart migration inclusion, this works well in development, but production deployment that migrates selectively (like mina) may fail at detecting migrations. Be sure to force migration in production.
  • Sometimes production does not load the gem. Append require: false in gemfile, and add the line require 'development_notification' to /config/application.rb


  1. Set up Ruby >= 2 (try rvm use 2.2.3@dev_noti --create)
  2. Install bundler, bundle
  3. Review dummy app database in spec/dummy/config/database.yml
  4. rake db:create db:migrate db:seed RAILS_ENV=test
  5. rspec