DeReNo - Deployments Release Notes

Show release notes (Git commits / Pivotal Tracker stories) before deployments.

Notify deployments release notes via email (and optionnal Campfire notification).


In your Gemfile :

gem 'dereno'

and then bundle install


In your deploy.rb or equivalent :

require 'dereno'

role :dereno , 'my_host'
set :dereno_options, {
  to: '[email protected]',
  from: '[email protected]',

  # optional Pivotal Tracker credentials
  pivotal_tracker: {
    token: 'my_token',
    project_id: 123456

  # optional Campfire credentials
  campfire: {
    subdomain: 'my_domain',
    token: 'my_token',
    room: 'my_room'

after 'deploy:restart', 'release_notes:notify'

and then after each deployments your team will be notify about what's new in production.


Show release notes between local current branch and latest deployed release.

bundle exec cap production release_notes:show

Deployment release notes (between current and previous deployed releases) notification via email (optionnal Campfire notification).

bundle exec cap production release_notes:notify

Email template

John deployed MyApp (branch master to production), on 05/08/2012 at 05:29 PM CEST

*** Pivotal Tracker Stories ***

[BUG] Users can't upload,

*** Git Commits ***

deaf044 [Story #12345678] Fixed upload bug (John)
27cf576 [Story #12345678] Fixed upload bug tests (John)


This gem also adds a rake task (send_email[path]) to the Rails project. This task is used by the release_notes:notify Capistrano task to send the deployment email FROM the server and not from the local machine.