Denko 0.13.4 Test Status

Ruby Meets Microcontrollers

Denko gives you a high-level Ruby interface to low-level hardware, without writing microcontroller code. Use LEDs, buttons, sensors and more, just as easily as any Ruby object:

led.blink 0.5

lcd.print "Hello World!"

reading =

button.down do
  puts "Button pressed!"

Denko doesn't run Ruby on the microcontroller (see mruby-denko). It runs custom Arduino firmware to expose its I/O interfaces over a socket. You run Ruby on your computer and talk to it. The microcontroller, and anything connected to it, map directly to Ruby objects. You get to think about your hardware and appplication logic, not everything in between.

High-level abstraction in Ruby makes hardware classes easy to implement, with intuitive interfaces. They multitask a single core microcontroller, with thread-safe state, and callbacks for inputs. If you need more I/O, integration is seamless; connect another board and instantiate it in Ruby.

Supported Hardware

Full list of supported mircocontroller platforms, interfaces, and peripherals is located here.


The denko-piboard add-on gem, uses a Raspberry Pi's built in GPIO header instead of an attached microcontroller. Connect things directly to the Pi, and use the peripheral classes from this gem.


A solo Raspberry Pi (or other SBC + microcontroller) is great if you need the compute power anyway, but what if you don't? Why not run Ruby on the microcontroller itself?

That's the goal of mruby-denko: write mruby on the ESP32, using peripheral classes as close to this gem as possible. Still early in development, so limited features, but already usable.

Getting Started

Note: If using Windows, you can follow the Mac/Linux instructions in WSL, but it is not recommended. Serial (COM port) forwarding isn't working on WSL2, which means you can't communicate with the board. There are workarounds, and it might work on WSL1, but the RubyInstaller for Windows and Arduino IDE are recommended instead. A Linux virtual machine with USB passthrough works too.

1. Install the Gem

gem install denko

2. Install the Arduino IDE OR CLI

Get the Arduino IDE here for a graphical interface (recommended for Windows), or use the command line interface from here, or Homebrew.

CLI Installation with Homebrew on Mac or Linux:

brew update
brew install arduino-cli

3. Install Arduino Dependencies

Denko uses Arduino cores, which support different microcontrollers, and a few libraries. Install only the ones for your microcontroller, or install everything. There are no conflcits. Instructions:

4. Generate the Arduino Sketch

The denko command is included with the gem. It will make the Arduino sketch folder for you, and configure it.

Example for ESP32 target on both serial and Wi-Fi:

denko sketch serial --target esp32
denko sketch wifi --target esp32 --ssid YOUR_SSID --password YOUR_PASSWORD

# For more options
denko targets

Note: Boards flashed with a Wi-Fi or Ethernet sketch will listen for a TCP connection, but fall back to Serial when there is none active.

5a. IDE Flashing

  • Connect the board to your computer with a USB cable.
  • Open the .ino file inside your sketch folder with the IDE.
  • Open the dropdown menu at the top of the IDE window, and select your board.
  • Press the Upload :arrow_right: button. This will compile the sketch, and flash it to the board.


  • If your serial port is in the list, but the board is wrong, select the serial port anyway, then you will be asked to manually select a board.
  • If your board doesn't show up at all, make sure it is connected properly. Try disconnecting and reconnecting, use a different USB port or cable, or press the reset button after plugging it in.
  • Some boards may be in a state where you have to hold their "boot" button while cycling power (reconnect or reset) for them to enter firmware update mode. Eg. Raspberry Pi Pico, ESP32-S2/S3.

5b. CLI Flashing

  • The path output by denko sketch earlier is your sketch folder. Keep it handy.
  • Connect the board to your computer with a USB cable.
  • Check if the CLI recognizes it:
arduino-cli board list
  • Using the Port and FQBN (Fully Qualified Board Name) shown, compile and upload the sketch: shell arduino-cli compile -b YOUR_FQBN YOUR_SKETCH_FOLDER arduino-cli upload -v -p YOUR_PORT -b YOUR_FQBN YOUR_SKETCH_FOLDER


  • Follow the same steps as the IDE method above. List all FQBNs using: shell arduino-cli board listall

6. Test It

Most boards have a regular LED on-board. Test it with the blink example. If you have an on-board WS2812 LED (Neopixel), use the WS2812 blink example instead. If it starts blinking, you're ready for Ruby!

Examples and Tutorials


  • Here you will find a beginner-friendly tutorial, that goes through the basics, using commented examples and diagrams. Read the comments and try modifying the code. You will need the following:
    • 1 compatible microcontroller (see supported hardware)
    • 1 button or momentary switch
    • 1 potentiometer (any value)
    • 1 external RGB LED (4 legs common cathode, not a Neopixel or individually addressable)
    • 1 external LED (any color, or use one color from the RGB LED)
    • Current limiting resistors for LEDs
    • Breadboard
    • Jumper wires

Tip: Kits are a cost-effective way to get started. They will almost certainly include these parts, plus more, getting you well beyond the tutorial.

Included Examples

  • The examples folder contains at least one example per supported peripheral, demonstrating its interface, and a few that use multiple peripherals together.
  • Each example should incldue a wiring diagram alongside its code (still incomplete).

More Examples

Note: This gem was renamed from dino to denko. Some of these examples use the old name.

Explanatory Talks