Dencity Gem

This gem is an API client for


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dencity'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install dencity


Connect to DEnCity

Without authentication:

dencity_client = Dencity.connect

On a different host (for development purposes):

dencity_client = Dencity.connect({host_name: <host_name>})

With authentication:

dencity_client = Dencity.connect({username: <username>, password: <password>})

To authenticate an existing connection:

dencity_client.login(<username>, <password>)

To authenticate using stored credentials in ~/.dencity/config.yml, call the login method without arguments. The gem will generate the config.yml for you to fill out.


The search method accepts 3 optional parameters: filters, return_only, and page. filters is used to narrow the search results. The format is an array of hashes containing 3 keys: name, value, and operator. The list of operators is as follows:

  • = - Equal to operator accepts string or number values.
  • ne - Not equal to operator accepts string or number values.
  • lt - Less than operator accepts number values.
  • lte - Less than or equal to operator accepts number values.
  • gt - Greater than operator accepts number values.
  • gte - Greater than or equal to operator accepts number values.
  • exists - Exists operator is used to return structure records where the specified metadatum exists in the structure record metadata. The value key can be left blank or nil for this operator.
  • in - In operator accepts an array of values (strings or numbers).
  • nin - * Not in* operator accepts an array of values (strings or numbers).

If filters is nil, all results will be returned.

The return_only parameter limits the data within each structure record to be returned. All fields specified in the filters will be returned as well as the fields listed in the return_only array. If return_only is nil, all fields will be returned.

Since only 100 results are return per call, the page parameter allows you to step through the result set. With each search call, the total number of results as well as total number of pages are returned. You can use that information to make additional calls. The page parameter is 0-based: set page=0 to retrieve the first page of results. If page is nil, the first page of results will be returned by default.


filters = []
filters << { name: 'building_area', value: 2800, operator: 'lt' }
filters << { name: 'building_type', value: ['Community Center'], operator: 'in' }
return_only = ['related_files']
page = 3
results =, return_only, page)

Retrieve an Analysis

There are two methods of retrieving an analysis: by ID, or by name + userID.

Retrieve an analysis by ID:

analysis = dencity_client.retrieve_analysis_by_id(<id>)

Retrieve by analysis name and userID:

analysis = dencity_client.retrieve_analysis_by_name(<analysis_name>, <user_id>)

You have access to your own user_id from the response object returned once you login to DEnCity, or from your account page on

Upload an Analysis

First load an analysis from a json file, then upload to

analysis = dencity_client.load_analysis(<json_file_path>)
analysis_response = analysis.push

To catch the response and ensure that the analysis was uploaded to correctly, you may want to use a begin-end block:

analysis = dencity_client.load_analysis(<json_file_path>)
  analysis_response = analysis.push
rescue StandardError => e
  printf "%-40s %s\n", 'Upload Analysis', 'FAIL'
  puts e
  printf "%-40s %s\n", 'Upload Analysis', 'SUCCESS'
  puts analysis_response

When uploading an analysis, the combination of user_id and user_defined_id will be checked. If an analysis with the same user_id and user_defined_id already exists on, it will be updated; otherwise, a new analysis will be created.

Upload a Structure

To upload a structure, you will need an analysis_id. You can also specify a user_defined_id to identify your structure for future retrieving.

structure = dencity_client.load_structure(<analysis_id>, <user_defined_id> <json_file_path>)
structure_response = structure.push

When uploading a structure, the combination of user_id and user_defined_id will be checked. If a structure with the same user_id and user_defined_id already exists on, it will be updated; otherwise, a new structure will be created.

Bulk Structures Upload

Each time a structure is loaded, it is appended to the structures array defined on the Dencity Client: dencity_client.structures. You can bulk upload all structures to


Upload a file

Files can be attached to an uploaded structure. You will need to pass in the filepath as well as the desired filename on If no filename is specified, the file's current name will be used.

 response = structure.upload_file(<file_path>, <file_name>)

Delete an uploaded file

Uploaded files can also be deleted from

 response = structure.delete_file(<file_name>)

Additional Examples

You can also do simple GETs using the dencity_get method.

Get all analyses:

response = dencity_client.dencity_get('analyses')

Get structure by ID:

response = dencity_client.dencity_get('structures/<structure_id>')

The file example_script.rb contains many usage examples.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to