
Provides delayed_job syntax to resque.

Code Climate

DelayedJob syntax supported are

1 . delay

Call .delay.method(params) on any object and it will be processed in the background.

# with delay

Parameters can be scalar values, active record instances, or classes (but not instances of non-AR objects).

The queue to use for the method can be specified on the delay method:

@user.delay(:queue => :device_activation).activate!(@device)

2 . delay + unqiue

# with delay and unique
@user.delay(:unique => true).activate!(@device)

3 . delay + run_at

# with delay and run_at
@user.delay(:run_at => 10.second.from_now).activate!(@device)   

Ideally this accomplice in conjunction with resque-scheduler so make sure to start resque-scheduler for this for more on how the resque-scheduler work check the Readme

4 . handle_asynchronously

Out of the box support for handle_asynchronously method supported over delayed_job


All the gem is attempt to touch the all aspect of delayed_job to resque but there are some which cannot be achieved currently one of them is priority and reason for that is resque does not have currently a robust priority mechanism like delayed_job


Based on the work of and

Special Thanks to for extracting most of the code out of delayed_job