
A gem that provides a generator to set up god/resque/redis configuration for any Rails app using resque-based gems at Revolution Prep.

Usage / Examples

After installing, just type

rails generate deify:install

This will create three files in your Rails app: config/redis.yml, config/initializers/resque.rb, and config/god/resque.god.

  • Make sure to set the correct app name in resque.god and namespace in resque.rb.
  • The app name in resque.god MUST match the app name in deploy.rb in order for capistrano-git-plugins to work.
  • resque.rb can set any namespace that makes sense but they typically defaults to "resque:#app_name" and "resque:test_#app_name".


Copyright (c) 2012 Monica McArthur, released under the MIT license.