
Deploy smart, not hard.


Deep Thought takes all of the thought out of deploying.

Want to prevent deployment conflicts? Deep Thought does that. Want to deploy with Hubot? Deep Thought has you covered. Looking to ensure a build is green before it is deployed? Deep Thought yawns at your puny requests. Want a web interface? Got it. How about an API? Yep. Security? Totally locked down. Deep Thought has your deployments covered.

Deep Thought was inspired by GitHub's own Hubot+Heaven workflow. Check out Zach Holman's talk to see the original inspiration.


Use this Gist to get started:

git clone git:// deep_thought



Deep Thought is designed to be deployed to Heroku:

heroku apps:create [NAME]
heroku config:set RACK_ENV=production

Deep Thought will, by default, route all requests through https for security. It is strongly recommended to set a secret token to be used for session cookies:

secret=$(echo -ne "\0$uuid" | base64 | sed -e "s/=//g")
heroku config:set SESSION_SECRET="$secret"

Deep Thought requires a PostgreSQL database. Add one to your Heroku app:

heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql

Now go ahead and push Deep Thought to Heroku:

git push heroku master

To start using Deep Thought, you'll need to create an initial user. Fortunately, Deep Thought makes this easy to do:

heroku run rake create_user[,secretpassword]

Now head over to your Deep Thought instance and login:

open https://<app-name>

Deep Thought requires the use of a background worker for deployments. Normally, on Heroku, this could become costly, as it would require spinning up a second (worker) dyno. However, Deep Thought includes the ability to intelligently spin this dyno up and down to help minimize (or even eliminate) costs. To enable this functionality, two environment variables need to be set:


Add a project

Once logged in, click the + add project button on the projects page. Enter a unique project name and the remote Git repository url for the project. Click create project, and now your project is set up and ready to deploy.


Deep Thought expects to find a .deepthought.yml file in the root of all projects. This file serves as a config for the project - it tells Deep Thought the information it needs to know to deploy the project.

Here's an example .deepthought.yml:

deploy_type: shell
  enabled: true
  name: project-name
root: script/deploy

deploy_type should be the key name for the deployer (defaults to shell). ci is group for continuous integration setting - enabled tells Deep Thought to check the CI server for green builds and name is the name of the project on the CI server. root is a shell deployer-specific setting - it tells Deep Thought where the deploy shell script it located in the project (defaults to script/deploy).

Make sure to add any dependencies needed to deploy your project to your Gemfile.

Add a key

It is likely that your project repos are private, and even if they are not, you still probably need to authenticate via ssh key to access servers for deployment. If you need to add an ssh key to Deep Thought hosted on Heroku, then you can use the Deep Thought buildpack:

heroku config:set BUILDPACK_URL=
ssh_key=`cat ~/.ssh/your_ssh_key`
heroku config:set SSH_KEY="$ssh_key"
heroku config:set

Keep in mind that the ssh key shouldn't have a password - otherwise Deep Thought won't be able to use it!


Click on a project from the homepage. Select the branch to deploy, and optionally define additional parameters:

  • environment: Sets the environment to deploy to (development, staging, production, etc - defaults to development).
  • box: Sets a specific server to deploy to (passed as an argument to the shell script - script/deploy development deploy box=prod).
  • action: Sets a subtask to deploy (for instance, if "config" is added, then Deep Thought would execute script/deploy development deploy:config).
  • variable: Sets additional values that can be passed to the deploy (for instance, if set to force=true, Deep Thought would execute script/deploy development deploy force=true).

Click deploy - now a deployment is underway!

Deep Thought will let you know once the deployment is finished. If you'd like to see a log of previous deployments, click the history button. Clicking on a subsequent deployment will show you the details of that deployment.

Continuous integration

If you use continuous integration, you can have Deep Thought check to make sure a build is green before deploying. By default, Heroku supports interfacing with Janky.

To enable continuous integration, several environment variables must be set:

heroku config:set CI_SERVICE=janky
heroku config:set CI_SERVICE_ENDPOINT=
heroku config:set CI_SERVICE_USERNAME=janky_username
heroku config:set CI_SERVICE_PASSWORD=janky_password

Now, so long as a project enables continuous integration in its .deepthought.yml file, Deep Thought will check the project/branch build status before deploying.


To use the API, you must have an API key. To generate a key, go to the me page and click generate new api key.

All API requests must have the Accept header set to application/json. To authenticate, the Authorization header should be set to Token token="<your api key>".

The current API routes are:

  • GET /deploy/status - Get the current status of Deep Thought.
  • POST /deploy/:app - Deploy a project. Optionally pass (JSON encoded) environment, box, actions (array), variables (key/value object), and on_behalf_of (username requesting deploy - useful for bots).
  • POST /deploy/setup/:app - Setup a new project. Required to include (JSON encoded) repo_url.


Hubot integrates wonderfully with Deep Thought. He communicates via the API, which means he'll need an account with an API generated.

Once you've setup the Hubot user and have its API key, grab the Deep Thought Hubot script and add it to your Hubot.

Set the following config variables for your Hubot:

heroku config:set DEEP_THOUGHT_URL=
heroku config:set DEEP_THOUGHT_TOKEN=<hubot api key>

Finally, Deep Thought likes to talk back to Hubot to let him know how deploys are going. Login to the Hubot account on Deep Thought, head to the me page, and set the notification url to

To learn more about how to ask Hubot to deploy, check out the Hubot script.


Feel that? Yep - that's your stresses melting away. Look at all this time you have now! Maybe you'll make a sandwich. Or watch a documentary. Perhaps start a cute herb garden.


Want to hack on Deep Thought?

Set it up:


Create an .env:

echo RACK_ENV=development > .env

Set up the databases (PostgreSQL):

createuser deep_thought
createdb -O deep_thought -E utf8 deep_thought_development
createdb -O deep_thought -E utf8 deep_thought_test
rake db:migrate

Start the server:


Open it:

open http://localhost:4242

Test it:



Want to make Deep Thought even deeper and more thoughtier? Contribute!

  1. Fork
  2. Create
  3. Code
  4. Test
  5. Push
  6. Submit
  7. Yay!