Dee Bee

Ruby based utilities for database backup, file rotation, and syncing to remote storage.

Remote storage functionality is backed by the Fog gem which in turn supports many cloud providers.


$ gem install dee_bee


Dee Bee provides a dee_bee executable to be used from the command line.

Specific actions can be programatically called in your Ruby project by utilizing the DeeBee::Configuration, DeeBee::Backup, DeeBee::FileRotation, and DeeBee::CloudSync classes.

Settings Configuration

Dee Bee requires a settings files in YAML to instruct how backups, rotations, and synchronizations are to be performed.

Your settings yaml file should follow the hash schema as follows:

name: <usually project name>
  directory:   </path/to/backups>
  file_prefix: <usually project name>
    provider: mysql
    host: localhost
    database_name: <database name>
  directory:   </path/to/backups>
  file_prefix: <usually project name>
  days_to_keep_daily_files: 7
  local_directory: </path/to/backups>
    provider:              aws
    aws_access_key_id:     <key>
    aws_secret_access_key: <secret>
    remote_storage: <remote directory or bucket name>
    subdirectory: <subdirectory name>
    rotation_age: <age in days>

Comand line arguments

Specify a settings yaml file with '--settings':

$ dee_bee --settings <filename>

A default 'settings.yaml' file will be searched for in the current working directory if '--settings' is not utilized.

Specify specific actions to perform with '--backup', '--rotation', '--cloud-sync'

$ dee_bee --backup --settings <filename>
$ dee_bee --rotation --settings <filename>
$ dee_bee --cloud-sync --settings <filename>

Run all actions:

$ dee_bee --all --settings <filename>


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Thank you to all the contributors!