Decidim - Octree Participatory democracy on a robust and open source solution

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MKUTANO is a participatory platform where black canadians can effectively & democratically organize at scale


Component to create forms in a participatory space, sponsored by the Mkutano Community.


OnlyForms will be available as a Component for a Participatory Space.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "decidim-only_forms"

And then execute:

bundle exec rails decidim_only_forms:install:migrations
bundle exec rails db:migrate


    bundle exec rake test_app

Local development

For decidim version 0.27, use Gemfile.0.27. For version 0.26, use Gemfile.0.26

cp Gemfile.0.27 Gemfile

First, you need to run an empty database with a decidim dev container which runs nothing.

docker-compose down -v --remove-orphans
docker-compose up -d

Once created, you access the decidim container

# Get the id of the decidim dev container
docker ps --format {{.ID}}
# 841ae977c7da
docker exec -it 841ae977c7da bash

You are now in bash, run manually. This will check your environment and do migrations if needed


You are now ready to use your container in the way you want for development:

  • Run a rails seed: bundle exec rails db:seed
  • Have live-reload on your assets: bin/webpack-dev-server
  • Execute tasks, like bundle exec rails g migration AddSomeColumn
  • Run the rails server: bundle exec rails s -b
  • etc.

To stop everything, uses:

  • docker-compose down to stop the containers
  • docker-compose down -v to stop the containers and remove all previously saved data.


To debug something on the container:

  1. Ensure decidim-app is running ```bash docker ps --all # CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES # 915e9fc474f2 decidim-module-only_forms-decidim-app "sleep infinity" 7 hours ago Up 7 hours>3000/tcp, :::3000->3000/tcp,>3035/tcp, :::3035->3035/tcp decidim-only-form-app # 22304921b7eb postgres:14-alpine "docker-entrypoint.s…" 7 hours ago Up 7 hours (healthy)>5432/tcp, :::5432->5432/tcp decidim-module-only_forms-pg-1

2. In another terminal, run `docker exec -it 915e9fc474f2 bash`
3. Run
    - `tail -f $ROOT/log/development.log` to **access logs**
    - `bundle exec rails restart` to **restart rails server AND keeps webpacker running**
    - `cd $ROOT` to access the `development_app`
    - `cd $ROOT/../decidim_module_only_forms` to access the module directory
## Contributing

See [Decidim](

## License

This engine is distributed under the [GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE](LICENSE-AGPLv3.txt)

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    <img src="" height="90" alt="Decidim Installation by Octree" />