Top Level Namespace

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: DebugMe

Constant Summary collapse

DebugMeDefaultOptions =
  tag:    'DEBUG',  # A tag to prepend to each output line
  time:   true,     # Include a time-stamp in front of the tag
  strftime:  '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%6N', # timestamp format
  header: true,     # Print a header string before printing the variables
  levels: 0,        # Number of additional backtrack entries to display
  skip1:  false,    # skip 1 lines between different outputs
  skip2:  false,    # skip 2 lines between different outputs
  lvar:   true,     # Include local variables
  ivar:   true,     # Include instance variables in the output
  cvar:   true,     # Include class variables in the output
  cconst: true,     # Include class constants
  logger: nil,      # Pass in an instance of logger class like Rails.logger
                    # must respond_to? :debug
  file:   $stdout   # The output file