
This gem export datadog configuration as terraform format. Inspired by kurochan/datadog_monitor2terraform


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dd2tf'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install dd2tf


$ dd2tf help
  dd2tf help [COMMAND]                                    # Describe available commands or one specific command
  dd2tf puts monitor configuration as terraform config    # puts monitor config
  dd2tf puts timeboard configuration as terraform config  # puts timeboard config
  dd2tf puts user configuration as terraform config       # puts user config



$ dd2tf user --dd_api_key=xxx --dd-app_key=xxx
resource "datadog_user" "reiji_kainuma" {
  disabled = "false"
  email = "[email protected]"
  handle = "[email protected]"
  is_admin = "true"
  name = "Reiji Kainuma"
  role = ""

$ dd2tf monitor --dd_api_key=xxx --dd-app_key=xxx
resource "datadog_monitor" "auto_clock_in_sync_with_ntp" {
  name               = "[Auto] Clock in sync with NTP"
  type               = "service check"
  message            = <<EOF
  Triggers if any host's clock goes out of sync with the time given by NTP. The offset threshold is configured in the Agent's `ntp.yaml` file.

Please read the [KB article](http://help.datadoghq.com/hc/en-us/articles/204282095-Network-Time-Protocol-NTP-Offset-Issues) on NTP Offset issues for more details on cause and resolution.
  query = "\"ntp.in_sync\".over(\"*\").last(2).count_by_status()"
  thresholds {
    ok = 1
    warning = 1
    critical = 1
  tags = []
$ dd2tf timeboard --dd_api_key=xxx --dd-app_key=xxx
resource "datadog_timeboard" "presto_staging" {
  title       = "Presto(staging)"
  description = "created by xxx"
  read_only   = false

  graph {
    title = "cluster_memory_manager_metrics"
    viz   = "timeseries"
    autoscale = "true"

    request {
      q  = "avg:presto_staging.cluster_memory_manager_metrics.cluster_memory_usage_bytes{*}"
      aggregator = "avg"
      type = "line"
    request {
      q  = "avg:presto_staging.cluster_memory_manager_metrics.cluster_memory_bytes{*}"
      type = "line"


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/reizist/dd2tf. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.