Shopify Rubygem

  • Read any kind of data from Shopify, but no support built-in yet to save data back to Shopify.
  • Connect to multiple shops in the same app.
  • Thread-safe.

Example Usage:

  shop ='store_name', 'api-key', 'api-secret', 'auth-token')
  order = shop.orders(:limit => 1)[0] # => gets first order
  order.line_items                    # => the line items within that order
  order.fulfillments                  # => gets all fulfillments related to this order
  blogs = shop.blogs                  # => gets all blogs for this shop
  articles = blogs[0].articles        # => gets all the articles in this blog
  articles[0].comments                # => gets the comments for that article
  shop.products                       # => get all products in this shop
  ... and much more ... :)