
A set of rake tasks to help you sync your production data with your local database for development.

Currently only supports:

  • Rails
  • MySQL

Support for more things will happen if anybody needs it.


Add to your gemfile for the groups that will need it:

group :development, :staging do
  gem 'dbsync'

Add the following to your config/environments/development.rb file. Depending on your staging setup, it may also be useful to you to add some dbsync config to your staging.rb environment file. Note dbsync will not run in production.

config.dbsync = ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions.new

config.dbsync.filename    = "yourapp_production_data.dump" # The name of the remote dumpfile
config.dbsync.local_dir   = "#{Rails.root}/../dbsync"      # The local directory to store the dump file. No trailing slash
config.dbsync.remote_host = ""                 # Remote server where the dumpfile is
config.dbsync.remote_dir  = "~dbsync"                      # The directory on the remote server where the dumpfile is

Now just make sure you have something on the remote server updating that dumpfile. I recommend a cronjob:

0 */12 * * * /usr/bin/mysqldump yourapp_production > /home/dbsync/yourapp_production_data.dump

You will need proper SSH access into the remote server, as the tasks use rsync and scp directly.

Run rake -T dbsync for all of the available tasks. The tasks are named after git commands mostly, so they should be pretty straight-forward for those who use git:

rake dbsync             # Alias for dbsync:pull
rake dbsync:clone       # Copy the remote dump file, reset the local database, and load in the dump file
rake dbsync:clone_dump  # Copy the remote dump file to a local destination
rake dbsync:config      # Show the dbsync configuration
rake dbsync:fetch       # Update the local dump file from the remote source
rake dbsync:merge       # Merge the local dump file into the local database
rake dbsync:pull        # Update the local dump file, and merge it into the local database
rake dbsync:reset       # Drop & Create the database, then load the dump file.


  • Specs!

Copyright (c) 2012 Bryan Ricker/SCPR.


See MIT-LICENSE for more.