Dbd: A data store that (almost) never forgets

This is facts based data store, inspired by RDF concepts, but adding a log based structure and fine-grained provenance.

Gem Version Build Status


  • Facts are immutable and ordered (log structured "fact stream")
    • "Big Data" mantra: base facts are immutable (store now, analyse later)
    • only 1 backup file needed: the fact stream contains the full history
    • synchronisation between remote sources is cheap (easy caching)
    • 1 data source has all my data : never more loose stuff :-)
    • facts can be invalidated (and replaced) later on
  • Privacy
    • a "hard delete" is possible: all downstream readers of the fact stream
      must remove this fact and replace the back-up
    • since one single back-up file suffices, replacing the single back-up
      file will actually remove the hard deleted fact(s) for good
  • Fine grained Provenance
    • Each base Fact points to a ProvenanceResource, so separate provenance
      possible for different facts about 1 resource
    • can keep the original_source reference, creator, date, …
    • can have a context that allows filtering data (e.g. private, professional, …)
    • separate encryption schemes per context are possible
    • ProvenanceResource is flexible, since built itself from Facts
  • Schemaless
    • uses the RDF concepts
    • predicates, types can be defined in an ontology for declaring meaning
  • Graph based
    • the object of each Fact can be another Resource
    • aimed at exporting to a graph database (e.g. Neo4j) for analysis


Open Source MIT


$ gem install dbd      # Ruby 1.9.2, 1.9.3, 2.0.x, jruby (see .travis.yml)


Also see the file docs/test.rb.

require 'dbd'

provenance = Dbd::ProvenanceResource.new

fact_context_public  = Dbd::ProvenanceFact.new(predicate: "prov:context", object: "public")
fact_source_dbd      = Dbd::ProvenanceFact.new(predicate: "prov:source",  object: "http://github.com/petervandenabeele/dbd")
fact_creator_peter_v = Dbd::ProvenanceFact.new(predicate: "dcterms:creator", object: "@peter_v")
fact_created_now     = Dbd::ProvenanceFact.new(predicate: "dcterms:created", object: Time.now.utc)
fact_license_MIT     = Dbd::ProvenanceFact.new(predicate: "prov:license", object: "MIT")
provenance << fact_context_public
provenance << fact_source_dbd
provenance << fact_creator_peter_v
provenance << fact_created_now
provenance << fact_license_MIT

nobel_peace_2012 = Dbd::Resource.new(provenance_subject: provenance.subject)

fact_nobel_peace_2012 = Dbd::Fact.new(predicate: "todo:nobelPeacePriceWinner", object: "2012")
fact_EU_label = Dbd::Fact.new(predicate: "rdfs:label", object: "EU") #  this will use some RDF predicates in future
fact_EU_comment = Dbd::Fact.new(predicate: "rdfs:comment", object: "European Union")
fact_EU_story = Dbd::Fact.new(predicate: "todo:story", object: "A long period of peace,\n that is a \"bliss\".")
nobel_peace_2012 << fact_nobel_peace_2012
nobel_peace_2012 << fact_EU_label
nobel_peace_2012 << fact_EU_comment
nobel_peace_2012 << fact_EU_story

graph = Dbd::Graph.new

graph << [provenance, nobel_peace_2012]

puts "facts in short representation:"
puts graph.map(&:short)
# facts in short representation:
# [ prov ] : 78b0d99b : prov:context             : public
# [ prov ] : 78b0d99b : prov:source              : http://github.com/petervandenabeele/dbd
# [ prov ] : 78b0d99b : dcterms:creator          : @peter_v
# [ prov ] : 78b0d99b : dcterms:created          : 2013-05-29 22:10:14 UTC
# [ prov ] : 78b0d99b : prov:license             : MIT
# 78b0d99b : 0db0caee : todo:nobelPeacePriceWinn : 2012
# 78b0d99b : 0db0caee : rdfs:label               : EU
# 78b0d99b : 0db0caee : rdfs:comment             : European Union
# 78b0d99b : 0db0caee : todo:story               : A long period of peace,_ that is a "bliss".

puts "facts in full detail in CSV:"
puts graph.to_CSV
# facts in full detail in CSV:
# "58c33e41-87c7-4403-b058-60e4ebf063ed","2013-05-29 22:10:14.811038737 UTC","","78b0d99b-aaf9-4b67-9b84-43c3b7d44729","prov:context","public"
# "44f72707-f0af-4e1e-8674-8009aedda826","2013-05-29 22:10:14.811075014 UTC","","78b0d99b-aaf9-4b67-9b84-43c3b7d44729","prov:source","http://github.com/petervandenabeele/dbd"
# "dd409d99-cdb5-4a99-a3c1-cfb64b1eaa62","2013-05-29 22:10:14.811092335 UTC","","78b0d99b-aaf9-4b67-9b84-43c3b7d44729","dcterms:creator","@peter_v"
# "a135916e-b055-4da5-805f-6adba927c935","2013-05-29 22:10:14.811105102 UTC","","78b0d99b-aaf9-4b67-9b84-43c3b7d44729","dcterms:created","2013-05-29 22:10:14 UTC"
# "345d455d-3f2d-4b9e-9084-d866c767feba","2013-05-29 22:10:14.811116493 UTC","","78b0d99b-aaf9-4b67-9b84-43c3b7d44729","prov:license","MIT"
# "1d49db69-9b7a-49b7-be87-7ca7e88a20f6","2013-05-29 22:10:14.811135641 UTC","78b0d99b-aaf9-4b67-9b84-43c3b7d44729","0db0caee-cc05-4f02-b90e-1ad4e72050a5","todo:nobelPeacePriceWinner","2012"
# "ce620335-a661-4a72-a932-1fe904f3db8a","2013-05-29 22:10:14.811151313 UTC","78b0d99b-aaf9-4b67-9b84-43c3b7d44729","0db0caee-cc05-4f02-b90e-1ad4e72050a5","rdfs:label","EU"
# "a694f74b-219d-4e23-936a-5f10b77fe321","2013-05-29 22:10:14.811164540 UTC","78b0d99b-aaf9-4b67-9b84-43c3b7d44729","0db0caee-cc05-4f02-b90e-1ad4e72050a5","rdfs:comment","European Union"
# "85732e38-79d9-48d0-8611-0bed25883bd3","2013-05-29 22:10:14.811176113 UTC","78b0d99b-aaf9-4b67-9b84-43c3b7d44729","0db0caee-cc05-4f02-b90e-1ad4e72050a5","todo:story","A long period of peace,
# that is a ""bliss""."