
Dbchecker is a rails gem to help you maintain the consistency of your database.


Add this line to your rails application's Gemfile:

gem 'dbchecker'

And then execute:

$ bundle


First, you need to have a place to put the definition of the checkers, so create it:

mkdir db/checks

Now, you can create inside it several files with the checks. The recommended structure is one file/class per model:

db/checks/user.rb class UserChecker < Dbchecker::Checker model :user

  check_nil :email, :name
  check_equal :follower_id, :followed_id
  check_negative :logged_in_times

With the model directive, you are specifiying the model you are working with. There are several checkers, explained below. Each of them return the ids of the affected models, if any.



This checks for the presence of nil in the specified fields. You can pass several fields to check_nil.

check_nil :important_field
check_nil :field1, :field2


This checks for the presence of the referenced model. You can pass several fields to check_references.

For example, if you have a Profile model with a belongs_to :user, that means that in Profile you will have a user_id field. To check that the reference exists, use:

check_references :user

Note that here we are no passing the name of the field but the name of the relationship.


This checks for negatives in the passed in fields.

check_negatives :points, :logged_in_times


This checks for zero in the passed in fields.

check_zero :warnings_left


This checks for the equality of two fields (that should be different). You have to pass the name of both fields.

check_equal :follower_id, :followed_id


This checks for duplicates in the table.

check_duplicates :user_id


Clone this git repo and then run the tests:



  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request