
sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1-full ruby1.9.1-dev postgresql libpq-dev
sudo gem install pg activerecord-pg-adapter
sudo gem install db_version_manager


Configure DB settings in ‘config/database.yml`, if needed, change `config/initializer.rb`


Available tasks are:
rake db:migrate[version]              # Migrates DB to specified version (if no argument given, updates to latest migration).
rake db:version                       # Show current DB version.
rake help                             # Help
rake migration:applied                # Show migrations that are applied.
rake migration:generate[description]  # Generate new migration.
rake migration:unapplied              # Show migrations that are not applied.
rake migration:version                # Show current latest migration version.

Example scenario


  • If you have Gems bin in your path, you can also just run ./db_version_manager

  • Without cloning but with just Gem installation (see first)

Obtain db_version-manager

git clone
cd db_version_manager

Configure database


Generate migration template what to edit

rake migration:generate["This is my migration description"]

Edit your template in ./app/migrate/date_name.rb

  1. For up() define for example “CREATE TABLE ..”

  2. For down() define for example “DROP TABLE ..”

Migrate changes to DB

rake db:migrate   # if no version given, to last is migrated. you can also downgrade so.