
Ease the movement of data

Current libs


Provide a FluidDb uri, and SQL Query and an export directory, and this will export your data


Provide a path and an scp uri, and this will use scp to copy your files


Provide 2 FluidDb uri's, one to a source SQL Server, one to destination Postgres Server, a SQL Query, destination table name and destination column names, and this will copy the data across as efficiently as possible.


Provide 2 FluidDb uri's, one to a source Postgres Server, one to destination Postgres Server, a SQL Query, destination table name and destination column names, and this will copy the data across as efficiently as possible.

Environment Variables

When are they used ? What can change through deployment.


By default these scripts are run, on startup, at midnight from then on.

This can be overridden by providing a cron syntax through the environment variable, "CRON_" on the command line.


When exceptions do occur, we want as much detail as we can intelligently generate in order to diagnose the problem. We also want to be able to re-run easily if possible.