Datadog Backup

Rspec and Release Gem Version

Use datadog_backup to backup your datadog account. Currently supports

  • dashboards
  • monitors

Additional features may be built out over time.

v3 Migration

Breaking Changes

v3 is a backwards incompatible change.

  • [ ] DATADOG_API_KEY and DATADOG_APP_KEY are no longer the environment variables used to authenticate to Datadog. Instead, set the environment variables DD_API_KEY and DD_APP_KEY.
  • [ ] ruby 2.6 is no longer supported. Please upgrade to ruby 2.7 or higher.
  • [ ] The options --ssh and --ssshh are no longer supported. Instead, please use --quiet to supress logging. --debug remains supported.
  • [ ] The environment variable DATADOG_HOST is no longer supported. Instead, please use DD_SITE_URL.



gem install datadog_backup



DD_API_KEY=example123 DD_APP_KEY=example123 datadog_backup <backup|diffs|restore> [--backup-dir /path/to/backups] [--debug] [--monitors-only] [--dashboards-only] [--diff-format color|html|html_simple] [--no-color] [--json]
gem install datadog_backup
export DD_API_KEY=abc123
export DD_APP_KEY=abc123

# Perform backup to `./backup/` using YAML encoding
datadog_backup backup

# Make some changes

# Just review the changes since last backup
datadog_backup diffs

# Review the changes since last backup and apply local changes to datadog

datadog_backup restore


Supply the following parameters in order to customize datadog_backup:

parameter description default
--debug log debug and above info
--quiet only show errors and above info
--backup-dir PATH path to the directory to backup to or restore from ./backup/
--monitors-only only backup monitors backup monitors and dashboards
--dashboards-only only backup dashboards backup monitors and dashboards
--json format backups as JSON instead of YAML. Does not impact diffs nor restore, but do not mix formats in the same backup-dir. YAML
--no-color removes colored output from diff format
--diff-format FORMAT one of color, html_simple, html color
--force-restore Force restore to Datadog. Do not ask to validate. Non-interactive.
--disable-array-sort Do not sort array elements, to preserver order of dashboard widgets.
--h, --help help

Environment variables

The following environment variables can be set in order to further customize datadog_backup:

environment variable description default
DD_SITE_URL Describe the API endpoint to connect to ( for example)
DD_API_KEY The API key for the Datadog account none
DD_API_KEY The Application key for the Datadog account none

Usage in a Github repo

See example/ for an example implementation as a repo that backs up your Datadog dashboards hourly.


Releases are cut using semantic-release.

Please write commit messages following Angular commit guidelines