
Google Spreadsheet/Excel -> YAML -> Ruby Migration -> Database Management Tool

A database management tool. The theory is that a designer/planner can edit application data and a programmer can setup the database and it's fields, all in one happy little place. As tables are added and data is changed, if the script is run once again it will update the target database.

TODO: While this system uses Rails Migrations, it isn't taking full advantage of them (i.e. tracking changes, allowing for rollbacks, etc).



  • Ruby >= 1.8.7


  • ActiveRecord >= 2.3.5
  • ActiveSupport >= 2.3.5
  • Google Spreadsheet >= 0.1.1
  • Spreadsheet >=



sudo gem install databasion

Spreadsheet Conventions

None of this would really work if there weren't some conventions in place. The following explains how the worksheet needs to be formatted, how the data spreadsheets themselves needs to be formatted, what fields are required, and what fields can be ignored.

At the highest level there needs to be a worksheet named Database. This is simply a master list of related spreadsheets, and what database they correspond to (for split table designs). The column names are required.


spreadsheet dbname database username password adapter host port options
superheroes db1 db_test dbuser dbuser mysql

The options column currently support's force, which tells the database to drop and recreate the table.

Next we define the actual table spreadsheets.


table superheroes
index yes
field id name
type integer string, 20
1 Brian Jones
2 Superman
3 Batman


  • ignore - Anything written in this column will cause this column and it's data to be ignored.
  • table - The name of the table, and an optional comma delimited 'false' if the table name should not be auto-pluralized.
  • index - If something is written in a columns field here, it will get flagged as an index and created via add_index(table, [fields]).
  • field - The name of the table column.
  • type - A comma delimited list giving the type of the column (using Ruby migration terms), optional size, and optional default value.

Note: If an 'id' column is specified, then it is assumed the id's are supplied by hand. Auto-incrementation is disabled, and 'id' is the primary key.

Ruby Migration Types

  • binary
  • boolean
  • date
  • datetime
  • decimal
  • float
  • integer
  • string
  • text
  • time
  • timestamp


Currently column0 is reserved for keywords and comments.

If something besides a keyword is written in column0, that row is ignored and will not be used. This is useful if you need to edit out some data.


Row0 isn't technically reserved, but should ideally be saved for use with the ignore flag. If any text is written in a column (with the exception of column0), that column will be ignored. This is useful for editing out columns that one doesn't currently want in the database.


Setup the project space.

databasion --create project
cd project

Edit config/google.yml. Then run the scripts.

databasion --google
databasion --migrate
databasion --load
databasion --svn
databasion --git

Or run them all in order.

databasion --google --migrate --load --git

You can supply a different config path as well.

databasion -g -m -l -i --config config/my.other.config.yml

Someone administrating a production database with this tool would definitely want to run each script sequentially by hand.

YAML Configuration


  • login: A valid Google username and password.
  • sheets: A list of the keys gleaned from the Google Docs URL, and a human readable name.
  • output: Where to output the relevant data.
  • svn: SVN configuration data.
  • git: GIT configuration data.
  • cron: Crontab parameters.


If the currently created databasion project is committed to SVN, running the --svn switch will auto-add and commit all the project files. This is useful for maintaining version control of the system, especially if something goes wrong and you need to do a rollback.


Much like SVN, if the project is commited to a GIT repo, the --git switch will auto-add and commit all the project files. If there isn't a repository, it will also initialize a new one for you.

Version Control

There is now a system in place to do crontab driven auto-updates. This allows the data to be updated without anyone having to access any systems.

First update config/google.yml's cron section to reflect your project settings. The options are your standard databasion switches. Make sure to supply a location for the version file so that it can be read at a later date.

Next, add a Version spreadsheet to the master worksheet. In the A1 field use whichever number works best to start versioning with. When using this to manage the project, if the number is higher than before then the system will be updated. Currently version controlled rollbacks are not implemented.

Finally, add the databasion script to crontab.

Example crontab:

*/1 * * * * cd /home/my_user/project && databasion -r

This checks the Version spreadsheet once a minute, and if the version has changed runs databasion with the supplied options.

Note: This could easily be used from the commandline as well, and not just crontab.


Long and winding.


Currently Databasion uses the cucumber test suite. A functional set of rudimentary tests are currently available, but it does not test everything 100%.


Brian Jones - Server Engineer, Istpika