
Welcome to Database Documenter gem! We created this gem to generate database documentation for rails applications.


  1. Generate database documentation as a Word document or Markdown file.
  2. Generate Description for columns based on it is type and name, Also handle Enums and STI and AASM.
  3. Easy to change the generated description by adding a comment on your database.
  4. Hide sample values of desired columns using configuration.
  5. You can Ignore models inside certain namespaces.
  6. Works on MySQL and PostgreSQL database.


gem 'database_documenter'

And then execute:

$ bundle install


To generate the gem configuration file run this rake task in the application directory

$ bundle exec rake generate_dd_initializer

or create the configuration file manually in this path config/initializers/database_documenter.rb :

DatabaseDocumenter.configure do |config|
  config.skipped_modules = %w(NAMESPACE)
  config.hidden_values_columns = %w(col1 col2)
  config.footer = "Generated by Company" # Footer beside the pagination


To Generate the Word document

In the application directory run this rake task and then you will find a word document named database.docx in your application directory:

$ bundle exec rake generate_db_document

To Generate the Markdown file

Run the following rake task and then you will find a markdown file named in your application directory:

$ bundle exec rake generate_db_md_document

Override generated description

You can override it by adding comment to your schema using one of the following options:

Rails 4

use migration comments gem or pg_comment

Rails 5.2

use change_column_comment and change_table_comment methods in rails 5


  • Fork & create a branch
  • bundle install
  • Make sure to run overcommit --install before working to run RuboCop before push.
  • Create Pull Request.


  • Generate the ERD with the file.
  • Add test cases.
  • Update DatabaseDocumenter::TableData to return the sql_code as a String.