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DataTask is a build tool for data. It extends Rake's dependency-based programming language to databases. This gem provides the data task, analogous to Rake's built-in file task but extended to work with pluggable backends beyond the local filesystem.

Adapters are included for Sqlite3, PostgreSQL, and Greenplum.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'data_task'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install data_task


To write your first data task, connect to your database by instantiating an adapter:

sqlite =
  'database' => 'example'

Then use this adapter instance as the target for a data task:

desc "Load a data file into Sqlite for analysis."
data sqlite['raw'] => 'raw.txt' do
  # Add loading logic here

Rake will run this task if and only if (a) the table 'raw' is does not exist yet, or (b) the table 'raw' exists but has a timestamp earlier than the file 'raw.txt'. Since database tables now have timestamps associated with them, they can serve as targets or as dependencies in data tasks.

Here's a runnable example Rakefile:

require 'rake'
require 'data_task'

# connect to the database
sqlite ='database' => 'example')

# mark raw.txt as a potential dependency
file 'raw.txt'

# define a loader for the Sqlite3 table 'raw', dependent on raw.txt
desc "Load a data file into Sqlite3 for analysis."
data sqlite['raw'] => 'raw.txt' do
  sqlite.create_table 'raw', nil, '(var1 text)''raw.txt').each { |line| sqlite.execute "insert into raw values ('#{line}')" }

# define an analytical table, dependent on the raw data table
desc "Analyze loaded data."
data sqlite['analyzed'] => sqlite['raw'] do
  sqlite.create_table 'analyzed', 'select * from raw'

To run it:

  1. paste the example into a file named 'Rakefile',
  2. in the same directory as your Rakefile, open a terminal and run the commands below:
$ echo "v1" > raw.txt
$ rake analyzed

The contents of raw.txt should be in your table 'raw' on your Sqlite database. Running the rake command a second time will result in no operations as long as raw.txt and the 'raw' table haven't changed.


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request