Ever found yourself wanting a modest amount of fresh rows from a production database for development purposes, but put back by the need to maintain referential integrity in the extracted data sample?

This data sampling utility will take care that referential dependencies are fulfilled by recursively expanding the sample with unfilled dependencies until the sample is referentially consistent.


  help                 Display global or [command] help documentation.
  sample               Extract a sample from the given connection


  --adapter NAME
      ActiveRecord adapter to use

  --database NAME
      Name of database to sample

  --username USER
      Username for connection

  --password PASSWORD
      Password for connection

  --encoding ENCODING
      Encoding for connection

  --socket PATH
      Socket for connection

  --rows NUM
      Number of rows to sample per table

  --log PATH
      Log queries to PATH


  -h, --help
      Display help documentation

  -v, --version
      Display version information

  -t, --trace
      Display backtrace when an error occurs