
The Core of the DataMeta platform, see the Features section below.


See the DataMeta home page and

References to this gem's source:


The following components are included into this gem:

  • DataMetaDOM DDL parser - parses the DataMetaDOM DDL into the model in memory.
  • export the DataMetaDOM DDL to POJO including implementors of the DataMetaSame Java interface, to provide equality either by the class identity or by all of the fields.
  • export the DataMetaDOM DDL to MySQL DDL


None known.


Beside the API, there are the following runnables in this gem:

DataMetaDOM POJO generator.

Use this runnable to parse a DataMetaDOM source and generate Java objects (POJOs) matching the DataMeta model.


dataMetaDomPojo.rb <DataMetaDOM source> <target directory>


dataMetaDomPojo.rb /gitrepos/projects/data/schema/showCase.dmDom ./pojos

DataMetaDOM MySQL DDL generator

Use this runnable to parse a DataMetaDOM DDL source and generate matching MySQL DDL statements, including creates, drops, creating referential integrity links and dropping those.


dataMetaDomMySqlDdl.rb <DataMetaDOM source> <target directory>


dataMetaDomMySqlDdl.rb /gitrepos/projects/data/schema/showCase.dmDom ./sql

DataMetaDOM Full compare DataMetaSame generator for POJOs

Use this to generate implementors of the DataMetaSame interface from DataMetaDOM sources performing full compare.


dataMetaDomSameFullJ.rb <DataMetaDOM source> <target directory>

DataMetaDOM compare by identity DataMetaSame generator for POJOs

Use this to generate implementors of the DataMetaSame interface from DataMetaDOM sources performing compare only by the identity for the class, see DataMetaDom::Record for details.


dataMetaDomSameIdJ.rb <DataMetaDOM source> <target directory>

Exporting DataMetaDOM source into graphical file showing entity relationships

This script generates GraphViz source for the given DataMetaDOM module and attempts to display the resulting jpeg file in the current OS.


dataMetaDomGvExport.rb <DataMetaDOM source> <target base path>

The script will append the suffix .gv to the target base path for the GraphViz source and the suffix .jpeg to the name of the genrated image file.


dataMetaDomGvExport.rb src/main/schema/Model.dmDom target/Model

this will generate target/Model.gv and target/Model.jpeg

This requires GraphViz installation with the dot command in the path and some kind of a graphic environment. On Windows, Irfanview is very useful, otherwise the script will use default Windows viewers that oftentimes are much slower.

Reversion all files in path


dataMetaReVersion.rb <Path> <NS> <CSV-globs> <Ver-From> <Ver-To>


  • Path - starting path to look for the files to re-version
  • NS - Namespace, such as Java/Scala package
  • CVS-globs - comma-separated file patterns, in regular filesystem globbing format
  • Ver-From - Source version or an asterisk for any version. Example: 11.2.1
  • Ver-To - Target version. Example: 11.2.2

Examples of arguments to this command:

  • src/main/com/acme com.acme.svc.obj.dom '*.java,*.scala' '*' 1.2.3 -- starting from the src/main/com/acme directory, replace on all Scala and Java files, any DataMeta version with 1.2.3
  • . com.acme.svc.obj.dom '*.conf,*.scala' 1.2.1 1.2.3 -- starting from the current directory, replace on all Scala and config files, DataMeta version 1.2.1 with 1.2.3.

Note the single quotes for the file glob patterns and the "star" specification of the source version: this is to prevent the shell to glob before passing the result to the program.

Note that there is no relation between the path and the namespace; only Java still enforces such relation therefore we do not want to be dependent on it.


  • No special requirements


gem install dataMetaDom


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