
Ruby bindings for API ( Salesforce, ex Jigsaw ).


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'data-com-api', '~> 0.2.0'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install data-com-api


First, create a DataComApi::Client instance with the following line:

client ='your-api-token')

You can then configure the client in the following way:

# Value must be between 1 and 500, 100 will be used if search_company is used
# and supplied value is greater than 100
client.page_size = 100

You can also get the totals API calls performed on the client with:


Then, you can perform one of the following requests:

  • search_contact
  • search_company
  • company_contact_count
  • contacts

Every method matches the API call and support the same parameters. All requests are lazy, which means that the request will be performed only once you actually perform an action on the response, like requesting size, all, each and such (keep reading).

Client methods aka API responses

#search_contact and #search_company

The parameters accepted by this method are the keys of the DataComApi::QueryParameters. Notice that you can use the key specified as :from for a more ruby-like syntax.

start_at_offset and end_at_offset: This two new parameters allow your response to start fetching data at specified offset or end earlier (if end_at_offset is bigger than max fetchable records, it will be ignored and code will handle things in standard way).

The returned object is a DataComApi::SearchContact which is mostly a DataComApi::SearchBase instance with the following main methods:

  • size which returns the totalHits field from the response (it will perform a request only if none performed)
  • all which returns an array containing all records that can be fetched (be careful, can be memory hungry). Will handle paging by itself
  • each which yields each record that can be obtained with the request, less memory hungry than previous request. Will handle paging by itself
  • each_with_index same as previous one but with index
  • at_offset which get one page of records (as an array) at specified offset

Every record returned will be a DataComApi::Contact or a DataComApi::Company instance.


The parameters accepted by this method are company_id (required) and the second one is DataComApi::QueryParameters which is useful only for the include_graveyard key

This method allows you to count contacts per company, the response has the following methods:


The parameters accepted by this method are contact_ids (an array of Fixnum), username, password which are required and the optional purchase_flag which defaults to false.

Be careful, this method may purchase records.
This response has the following methods:

  • size which returns totalHits from API response
  • used_points which returns pointsUsed from API response
  • purchased_contacts which returns numberOfContactsPurchased from API response
  • point_balance which returns pointBalance from API response
  • contacts which returns an array of DataComApi::Contact


  • Implement partner request
  • Implement partner_contacts request
  • Implement user request used to purchase points through API
  • Write some tests for search_company which is exactly the same as search_contact
  • Improve tests organization
  • Test exceptions when performing API requests


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request