
Dashed is a Ruby library for interacting with Amazon Dash button presses.


Just add dashed to your Gemfile and then run bundle install.

Dashed has to be run with root permissions in order to listen to your network devices to pick up your dash button.


Dashed includes the find_dash executable which looks for Amazon Dash buttons based on their mac address. Once you've found your Dash buttons Mac Address you can get started.

ex: sudo find_dash dummylan0 where dummylan0 is the wifi interface to listen on. Ensure your Amazon Dash button is connected to the same network.

Here is an example implementation:

Dashed::Button.new("ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", "dummylan0").on_press do
  puts "I was pressed!"

Please be aware that on_press blocks the execution of the current thread. If you don't want it to block please create the button in its own thread.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/kenyonj/dashed.