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Pure simple Ruby based Dark Sky API gem


$ gem install darksky-ruby


Forecast Request

Example of querying weather forecast for SFO.

require 'darksky-ruby'

api = DarkSkyAPI.new(key: 'Your_Dark_Sky_API_Secret_Key')
data = api.forecast(lat: 37.6211, lon: -122.383)
p data[:hourly][:summary]
# => "Partly cloudy throughout the day."

Time Machine Request

Requesting observed weather for noon of Jan. 1, 2018 at SFO.

data = api.timemachine(lat: 37.6211, lon: -122.383, ts: Time.new(2018,1,1,12))
p data[:currently][:temperature]
# => 57.56

Response Format

data in above examples would contain a Ruby Hash of the entire API response; all keys are symbolized.


You can limit the response data size by excluding unnecessary blocks.

api.blocks = {minutely: false, hourly: false} # excludes blocks marked false
api.include_only([:currently, :alerts]) # excludes everything except specified
# => {:currently=>true, :minutely=>false, :hourly=>false, :daily=>false,
#     :alerts=>true, :flags=>false}

Hint, you can use api.blocks first to get a default Hash to get started. After you've modified the Hash, you can save it with api.blocks =.

Other options can be set like so.

api.options = {lang: 'es', units: 'si'} # Spanish language, SI units
data = api.timemachine(lat: 37.6211, lon: -122.383, ts: Time.new(2018,1,1,12))
p data[:currently][:summary]
# => "Parcialmente Nublado"
p data[:currently][:temperature]
# => 14.2


This gem includes an executable as an example.

$ darksky -h
darksky [options] <LAT,LON>
  -k, --key=<s>     API secret key
  -l, --loc=<s>     Location (latitude,longtitude)
  -o, --log=<s>     Log file
  -t, --time=<s>    Timestamp for Time Machine request
  -v, --verbose     Verbose mode
  -h, --help        Show this message


Since this is a simple gem with no external dependencies, you can directly include the lib contents in your project if you prefer not to use Ruby Gems, such as in AWS Lambda. If you do, be sure to include my copyright and license details.