Class: Sinatra::Application

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The top-level Application. All DSL methods executed on main are delegated to this class.

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Base

#app, #env, #params, #request, #response

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Default

configures, const_missing, default_options, #entity_tag, env, env=, #headers, #invoke, #method_missing, #options, options, register, #send_data, set_option, set_options, #stop

Methods inherited from Base

before, #call, call, #call!, condition, configure, delete, development?, disable, enable, error, #forward, get, #halt, head, helpers, #initialize, layout, media_type, not_found, #options, #pass, post, production?, put, register, reload!, run!, set, template, test?, use, use_in_file_templates!

Methods included from Templates

#builder, #erb, #haml, #sass

Methods included from Helpers

#attachment, #back, #body, #content_type, #error, #etag, #last_modified, #media_type, #not_found, #redirect, #send_file, #session, #status

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Sinatra::Base

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class Sinatra::Default