Module: OohAuth::KeyGenerators

Defined in:

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: Alphanum, Passphrase, Password

Constant Summary collapse

(('a'..'z').to_a + ('A'..'Z').to_a + (0..9).to_a).freeze

Want to make an absurdly easy contribution to open source software? Think of more adjectives and nouns that don’t result in potentially offensive combinations. but DO result in a wider password namespace. In particular, avoid adjectives like moist, gristly, or veiny. and avoid nouns like penis.

%w(blue green red orange purple grey yellow scarlet flying edible tasty noisy giant tiny angry great terrific
   improvised tiny magnificent futuristic anachronistic cromulent fashionable trendy spaceage vintage classic
   speedy slow loud quiet
%w(ninjas nostrils suitcases earlobes houses cakes pies shoes dinosaurs robots androids antelope bees 
  insects chickens apples guitars trombones baloons suitcases pineapples cheeses teeth mice castles
  monsters bicycles kippers turtles bongos words phrases tables desks couches biplanes beans neighbours
  telephones yetis sentries cupboards