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This danger plugin generates overview and detail reports for code analysis results. :detective:

This plugin is inspired and works only with the jenkins warnings-ng-plugin :bowing_man:

To avoid an overload of issues in the pull request, only issues for changed files are listed.
The overview report will always contain the number of total, new and fixed issues. 

How it looks like

Warnings Next Generation Overview

Tool :beetle: :x: :white_check_mark:
Android Lint Warnings 10 0 3
PMD Warnings :star: 0 0
Detekt Warnings 10 5 5
Checkstyle Warnings :star: 0 3

Java Warnings

Severity File Description
NORMAL ProductDetailPageFragment.kt:135 [Deprecation] 'getColor(Int): Int' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
NORMAL ImageGalleryFragment.kt:40 Type mismatch: inferred type is java.util.ArrayList? but kotlin.collections.ArrayList /* = java.util.ArrayList */ was expected
NORMAL MyUtil.java:5 [Design - HideUtilityClassConstructorCheck] 'getColor(Int): Int' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

As inline

[Correctness - GradleDependency]
Obsolete Gradle Dependency A newer version of com.android.support:design than 27.1.1 is available: 28.0.0 This detector looks for usages of libraries where the version you are using is not the current stable release. Using older versions is fine, and there are cases where you deliberately want to stick with an older version. However, you may simply not be aware that a more recent version is available, and that is what this lint check helps find.


$ gem install danger-warnings_next_generation


Show overview and tool reports for all found analytic tools.

Show overview and tool reports for selected analytic tools

    # must match tool id
    include: ['android-lint', 'java', 'pmd']
Show overview and tool reports with inline comments

    inline: true,
    # inline comments require a baseline
    # file: "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/projectname/repository/app/src/main/java/com/projectname/b2bshop/fragment/gallery/ImageGalleryFragment.kt
    # baseline: "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/projectname/repository/
    baseline: '/path/to/workspace/repository/root'
Only overview report

    include: ['java']
Only tools report

    include: ['java', 'pmd']
    inline: true,
    baseline: '/path/to/workspace/repository/root'


If you run a jenkins server with required authentication you can pass them to danger-warnings_next_generation. Create an API token with your CI user and do not pass normal password credentials.

Run all with authentication

    auth_user: "jenkins",
    auth_token: "MY_TOKEN"
Run overview with authentication

    auth_user: "jenkins",
    auth_token: "MY_TOKEN"