jmatsu Gem Version


This is a plugin of Danger for Android projects. This allows you to get attributes of your application file (apk) and report a summary of comparison between two application files.


gem install danger-apkstats or add danger-apkstats to your Gemfile.

Please specify the path of apkanalyzer in your Dangerfile.


ANDROID_HOME has been officially deprecated. ANDROID_SDK_ROOT is similar to ANDROID_HOME but differs actually. And also, the change indicated the possibility of further deprecations and/or breaking changes in the Android SDK structure.


apkstats namespace is available under Dangerfile.

Required preparation

apkstats.apk_filepath='app-debug.apk' # required.

Show attributes

apkstats.file_size #=> Fixnum
apkstats.download_size #=> Fixnum
apkstats.required_features #=> Array<String> | Nil
apkstats.non_required_features #=> Array<String> | Nil
apkstats.permissions #=> Array<String> | Nil
apkstats.min_sdk #=> String | Nil
apkstats.target_sdk #=> String | Nils
apkstats.reference_count #=> Fixnum
apkstats.dex_count #=> Fixnum

Get a comparison report

apkstats.compare_with(String, do_report: Boolean)

For example, the report will be like below.

Property Summary
New File Size 1621248 Bytes. (1.55 MB)
File Size Change -13352 Bytes. (-13.04 KB)
Download Size Change +41141 Bytes. (+40.18 KB)
Removed Required Features -
Removed Non-required Features - (not-required)
Removed Permissions - android.permission.INTERNET
- android.permission.CAMERA
New Number of dex file(s) 15720
Number of dex file(s) Change 1


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run bundle install to setup dependencies.
  3. Run bundle exec rake spec to run the tests.
  4. Use bundle exec guard to automatically have tests run as you make changes.
  5. Make your changes.

Supported ruby versions

Support only versions which are in normal and/or security maintenance.
