Daemonizer: Simple framework for creating daemons with Ruby

Homepage: http://daemonizer.org
Git: http://github.com/glebpom/daemonizer
Author: Gleb Pomykalov
Copyright: 2010
License: MIT License
Status: alpha


Daemonizer is a simple ruby framework to create custom daemons. It is fully compatible with EventMachine, Rails and any other Ruby frameworks. Two workers type supported - forked and threaded.

Feature List

1. Demfile (similar to Gemfile, Rakefile) as a configuration file. It is possible to describe different background pools there.

2. Two engines: :thread and :fork. (thread is currently broken)

3. Monitoring: If child is found dead it will be immediately restored

4. Logging (via http://log4r.rubyforge.org/)


To install Daemonizer, use the following command:

$ gem install daemonizer

(Add sudo if you're installing under a POSIX system as root)


Demfile example:

engine :fork 
workers 2

pool :daemonizer do
  workers 4
  poll_period 5
  log_file "log/daemonizer.log" #relative to Demfile

  before_init do |logger, block|

  after_init do |logger, worker_id, workers_count|
    logger.info "Started #{worker_id} from #{workers_count}"

    exit = false

    stop = proc {
      exit = true

    trap('TERM', stop)
    trap('INT', stop)
    trap('EXIT', stop)

    loop do
      break if exit
      logger.info "Ping #{worker_id}"
      sleep 10


pool :new_daemonizer do
  workers 4
  poll_period 5
  log_file "log/daemonizer.log" #relative to Demfile

  handler MyBackgroundSolution::DaemonizerHandler

  not_cow_friendly #disable Copy-On-Write friendly (enabled by default)

  #automatically-parsed option by daemonizer
  set_option :queue do |worker_id, worker_count|  

  #simple string option
  set_option :author, "Gleb Pomykalov"

  #lambda-option (transparent for daemonizer, fully processed by handler)
  set_option :on_error, lambda { |object| object.logger.fatal "epic fail"}

Handler example

module MyBackgroundSolution
  class DaemonizerHandler < Daemonizer::Handler
    def before_init(block)
      require File.join(Daemonizer.root, '/config/environment') #Require rails
      require 'my_background_solution/worker' #Require our code
      super #now we are ready to fork

    def after_init 
      #we are in worker process
      logger.info "Starting cycle. We are number #{worker_id} from #{workers_count}"
      logger.info "Options - #{option(:queue)}" #We can get option :queue, which is set with set_option in pool configuration
      worker = Worker.new
      logger.info "Ending cycle"

Who are the authors

This gem has been created in qik.com for our internal use and then the sources were opened for other people to use. All the code in this package has been developed by Gleb Pomykalov, and is based on http://github.com/kovyrin/loops code written by Alexey Kovyrin. The gem is released under the MIT license. For more details, see the LICENSE file.