
A Rack middleware that displays a special page when the DiggBar is used.

Hat-tip to rue for suggesting the name.


  • Install it via Rubygems:

    # Add http://gems.github.com to your gem sources.
    # (You only need to do this once)
    gem sources -a http://gems.github.com
    # Install the gem
    sudo gem install cypher-rack-dickbarblocker
  • Add this to your rack config:

    require 'rack/contrib/dick_bar_blocker'
    use Rack::Contrib::DickBarBlocker
  • Or, if you're on Rails, add this to your environment.rb:

    require 'rack/contrib/dick_bar_blocker'
    Rails::Initializer.run do |config|
      config.gem 'cypher-rack-dickbarblocker', :lib => 'rack/contrib/dick_bar_blocker', :source => 'http://gems.github.com'
      config.middleware.use 'Rack::Contrib::DickBarBlocker'
      # rest of your config

By default, it shows the following text (sans markup):

Dear Digg, Framing sites is bullshit.

Your pal, —J.G.

p.s. Firefox users may enjoy the
DiggBar Killer script for Greasemonkey.

p.p.s. Digg users can disable the DiggBar under My Profile → Settings → Viewing Preferences.

You can override this by supplying the middleware with a block that returns whatever you want it to display:

use Rack::Contrib::DickBarBlocker do
      Kittens are fun!

This would return an HTML page with "Kittens are fun!" on it instead.

DickBarBlocker expects the return value of the body to respond to to_s. It also currently hardcodes the content type to text/html, so your response should be HTML.

Copyright (c) 2009 Markus Prinz. See COPYING for details.