
This is the web based user interface to the Cyclid CI server.

Getting started

$ rbenv install 2.3.0
$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle

Cyclid-UI can optionally use Memcached for storing some user object data; if you choose to run a Memcached server on your local machine Cyclid-UI will connect by default on localhost:11211.

Cyclid-UI requires a Cyclid API server that both it and the client (I.e. the web browser) can connect too. See the documentation for the Cyclid API server for information on how to install & configure Cyclid.

You can start Cyclid-UI under Webrick with bundle exec rake rackup or you can run under Guard with bundle exec rake guard.


RSpec tests are included. Run bundle exec rake spec to run the tests and generate a coverage report into the coverage directory. The tests do not affect any databases and external API calls are mocked.

The Cyclid-UI source code is also expected to pass Rubocop; run bundle exec rake rubocop to lint the code.