Module: Cyclid::API::Errors

Defined in:


Error codes, for REST etc. statuses

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: HTTPErrors

Constant Summary collapse


Human readable error strings

  HTTPErrors::NO_ERROR => 'Success',
  HTTPErrors::INTERNAL_ERROR => 'Internal error',
  HTTPErrors::INVALID_JSON => 'The JSON in the request body could not be parsed',
  HTTPErrors::AUTH_FAILURE => 'Invalid username or password, or not an admin',
  HTTPErrors::DUPLICATE => 'Entry already exists',
  HTTPErrors::INVALID_USER => 'User does not exist',
  HTTPErrors::INVALID_ORG => 'Organization does not exist',
  HTTPErrors::INVALID_STAGE => 'Stage does not exist',
  HTTPErrors::INVALID_ACTION => 'No plugin found for the given action',
  HTTPErrors::INVALID_JOB => 'Job definition is incorrect or does not exist',
  HTTPErrors::INVALID_PLUGIN => 'Requested plugin does not exist',
  HTTPErrors::INVALID_PLUGIN_CONFIG => 'Could not get a configuration for the given plugin',
  HTTPErrors::PLUGIN_ERROR => 'API plugin request failed'